Welcome to Bristol University Microseismicity ProjectS

Welcome to Bristol University

Welcome to Oxford University


Passive seismic monitoring of industrial sites can provide a cheap and effective means for monitoring spatial and temporal variations in sub-surface properties. Microseismic earthquakes occur naturally due to regional tectonic stresses, and are induced through subsurface activities such as hydraulic stimulation, CO2 sequestration, natural gas (and hydrogen) storage, geothermal stimulation, enhanced petroleum recovery, and underground mining. Microseismic monitoring offers insights into the dynamic state of stress – invaluable information for guiding effective subsurface development strategies.

The BUMPS project covers a wide range of research themes concerned with the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of natural and induced microseismicity around industrial sites. Our ultimate objective is to promote and improve the use of microseismic data in all types of subsurface industrial activities. BUMPS is a consortium-funded endeavour emphasising fundamental research and knowledge transfer. The consortium is based in the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Bristol, with collaboration with members of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford. It is the continuation of a successful first phase originally based at the University of Leeds.

BUMPS Phase VI Proposal is now available - please email for more information.

Current BUMPS Sponsors

BP Logo
Equinor Logo
Total Logo
Egdon Logo