Published Journal Articles
Clarke, H., Verdon, J., Kettlety, T., Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., 2019. Real time imaging, forecasting and management of human-induced seismicity at Preston New Road, Lancashire, England. Seismological Research Letters. doi:10.1785/0220190110
Brisbourne, A. M., Martín, C., Smith, A. M., Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., Kingslake, J., 2019. Constraining Recent Ice Flow History at Korff Ice Rise, West Antarctica, Using Radar and Seismic Measurements of Ice Fabric. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. doi:10.1029/2018JF004776
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., Fisher, Q. J., Budge, J., 2017. The role of texture, cracks and fractures in highly anisotropic shales, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122 (12). doi:10.1002/2017JB014710
Smith, E. C., Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., Martín, C., White, R. S., Brisbourne, A. M., Smith, A. M., 2017. Ice fabric in an Antarctic ice stream interpreted from seismic anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 3710–3718. doi:10.1002/2016GL072093
Profit, M., Dutko, M., Yu, J., Cole, S., Angus, D., Baird, A., 2015. Complementary hydro-mechanical coupled finite/discrete element and microseismic modelling to predict hydraulic fracture propagation in tight shale reservoirs. Computational Particle Mechanics. doi:10.1007/s40571-015-0081-4
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J-M., Sparks, R. S. J., Baptie, B., 2015. Transtensional deformation of Montserrat revealed by shear wave splitting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425, 179–186. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.006
Angus, D. A., Dutko, M., Kristiansen, T. G., Fisher, Q. J., Kendall, J-M., Baird, A. F., Verdon, J. P., Barkved, O. I., Yu, J., Zhao, S., 2015. Integrated hydro-mechanical and seismic modelling of the Valhall reservoir: A case study of predicting subsidence, AVOA and microseismicity. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 2, 32–44. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2015.05.002
Kendall, J-M., Verdon, J. P., Baird, A. F., 2014. Evaluating fracture-induced anisotropy using borehole microseismic data. CSEG Recorder 39 (2), 56–63.
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J-M., Verdon, J. P., Wuestefeld, A., Noble, T. E., Li Y., Dutko, M., Fisher, Q. J., 2013. Monitoring increases in fracture connectivity during hydraulic stimulations from temporal variations in shear-wave splitting polarization. Geophysical Journal International 195 (2), 1120–1131. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt274
Harland, S. R., Kendall, J-M., Stuart, G., Lloyd, G., Baird, A. F., Smith, A., Prichard, H., Brisbourne, A., 2013. Deformation in the Rutford ice stream, West Antarctica: measuring shear-wave anisotropy using icequakes. Annals of Glaciology 54 (64) 105–114. doi:10.3189/2013AoG64A033
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J-M., Angus, D., 2013. Frequency dependent seismic anisotropy due to fractures: Fluid flow versus scattering. Geophysics 78 (2), WA111-–WA122. doi:10.1190/geo2012-0288.1
Baird, A. F., McKinnon, S. D., Godin, L., 2010. Relationship between structures, stress and seismicity in the Charlevoix seismic zone revealed by 3-D geomechanical models: Implications for the seismotectonics of continental interiors. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, B11402. doi:10.1029/2010JB007521
Baird, A. F., McKinnon, S. D., Godin, L., 2009. Stress channelling and partitioning of seismicity in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Québec, Canada. Geophysical Journal International 179 (1), 559–568. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04275.x
Baird, A. F., McKinnon, S. D., 2007. Linking stress field deflection to basement structures in southern Ontario: Results from numerical modelling. Tectonophysics 432 (1-4), 89–100. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2006.12.002
Other Publications
- Baird, W. A. F., 2010. Crustal Stresses and Seismicity in Intraplate Settings: Relationship to Geology and Driving Forces. PhD thesis, Queen’s University.
Expanded Abstracts
Baird, A. F., Stork, A. L., Horne, S. A., Naldrett, G., Kendall, J-M., Wookey, J., Clarke, A., Verdon J. P. 2019. Modelling of fibre-optic DAS response to microseismic arrivals in anisotropic media. 81st EAGE Annual Meeting, London, UK.
Horne, S., Baird, A., Stork, A., Naldrett, G. Machine learning for DAS microseismic event detection. 81st EAGE Annual Meeting Workshop Programme, London, UK.
Baird, A. F., Vera Rodriguez, I. A., and Thomson, C. J., 2018. Analysis of Sensitivity Kernels for Full Waveform Inversion of Microseismic Data. 80th EAGE Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., and Budge, J., 2016. Shear wave splitting and SV triplications in a strongly anisotropic shale-gas reservoir. 17th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Horseshoe Bay, Texas, USA.
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J.-M., and Budge, J., 2016. Shear wave splitting and fluid flow in highly anisotropic shale gas reservoirs. 78th EAGE Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Kendall, J-M., Baird, A.F., Usher, P.J., Fisher, Q.J. & Budge, J., 2016. Cracks, Fractures and Flow in Shales - Insights from Microseismicity. Fifth EAGE Shale Workshop, Catania, Italy.
Baird, A. F., Verdon, J. P., Kendall, J-M., Foord, G., Stork, A. and Usher, P. J., 2014. Field Estimates of Fracture Compliances using Active and Passive Seismics. Fifth EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal.
Baird, A. F., Verdon, J.P., and Kendall, J-M., 2013. Monitoring the Evolution of Fracture Compliances During Hydraulic Stimulation Using Passive Seismic Data. 75th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, UK.
Baird, A. F., Verdon, J. P., Kendall, J.-M., 2013. Tracking Fracks: Evolution of Fracture Normal/Tangential Compliance During Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation. Fourth EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Fisher, Q. J., Kendall, J.-M., Verdon, J. P., Baird, A., Hudson, M., 2012. Monitoring and modelling hydraulic fracture stimulation: future directions. 74th EAGE Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kendall, J.-M., Verdon, J. P., Baird, A., Wuestefeld, A., Rutledge, J. T., 2012. Microseismic Monitoring of Fracture Networks During Hydraulic Stimulation: Beyond Event Locations. SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition - From Potential to Production. SPE Paper 152594. doi:10.2118/152594-MS
Baird, A. F., Angus, D. A., Kendall, J.-M., 2011. Frequency dependence of fracture compliance due to surface roughness. Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale – Pore2Field, Paris, France.
Invited Lectures
- Location: School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK, February 2011. Title: Partitioning of Stress and Seismicity in The Charlevoix seismic zone, Québec, Canada
Selected Conference Talks and Posters
Baird, A. F., Kendall, J-M., Sparks, R. S. J., Baptie, B., 2014. Analysis of shear-wave splitting from volcano-tectonic events at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat. Poster presented at AGU 2014 fall meeting, San Francisco. Abstract S21C-4458. Poster PDF
Baird, A. F., Bastow, I. D., 2013. Investigating stress and seismicity in the Charlevoix seismic zone, evidence from seismic anisotropy. Poster presented at AGU 2013 fall meeting, San Francisco. Abstract DI11A-2165. Poster PDF
Baird, A., Angus, D. A., Kendall, J.-M., 2011. Frequency dependent seismic anisotropy due to fracture related fluid flow versus scattering. Presented at the 9th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics, Trondheim, Norway.
Baird, A., Godin, L., McKinnon, S. D., 2011. Stress modelling of an intra-plate seismic zone. Talk Presented at the Bristol University Microseismicity Projects (BUMPS) consortium meeting. Bristol, UK.
Baird, A., McKinnon, S. D., Godin, L., 2009. Partitioning of Seismicity in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Quebec: a 3D Stress Model. Presented at AGU 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada. Abstract G11C-06.
Baird, A. F., McKinnon, S. D., Godin, L., 2008. Stress channelling and partitioning of seismicity in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Québec,. Presented at the Seismological Society of America, Eastern Section meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Baird, A., McKinnon, S. D., 2006. Effects of glaciation on the crustal stress field and seismicity. Presented at the Advances in Earth Science Research Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Baird, A., McKinnon, S. D., 2005. Linking stress field deflection to basement structures in southern Ontario: Results from numerical modelling. Presented at CGU 2005 meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Baird, A., McKinnon, S. D., 2004. Modelling crustal stress in Southern Ontario. Presented at AGU 2004 fall meeting. Abstract S32B-03.
Baird, A., McKinnon, S. D., 2004. Stability of Crustal Faults in Southern Ontario Inferred From Stress Data. Presented at AGU 2004 Joint Assembly, Montréal, Canada. Abstract S24A-04.