Published Journal Articles
Verdon, JP & Stork, AL 2016. Carbon capture and storage, geomechanics and induced seismic activity. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, in press, doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2016.06.004.
Verdon, JP, Kendall, J-M, Horleston, AC & Stork, AL 2016. Subsurface fluid injection and induced seismicity in southeast Saskatchewan, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 54, 429-440, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2016.04.007.
Birnie, C, Angus, D, Chambers, K & Stork, AL 2016. Analysis and models of pre-injection surface seismic array noise recorded at the Aquistore carbon storage site, Geophysical Journal International, 206, 1246-1260, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw203.
Verdon, JP, Stork, AL, Bissell, RC, Bond, CE & Werner, MJ 2015. Simulation of seismic events induced by CO2 injection at In Salah, Algeria, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 426, pp. 118-129, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.029
Stork, AL, Verdon, JP & Kendall, JM 2015. The microseismic response at the In Salah Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) site, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol 32., pp. 159-171, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.11.014.
Stork, AL, Verdon, JP & Kendall, JM, 2014. Assessing the effect of velocity model accuracy on microseismic interpretation at the In Salah carbon capture and storage site, Energy Procedia, vol. 63, pp. 4385–4393, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.473.
Corbeau, J, Rolandone, F, Leroy, S, Al-Lazki, A, Stork, AL, Keir, D, Stuart, G, Hammond, J, Doubre, C, Vergne, J, Ahmed, A & Khanbari, K, 2014. Uppermost mantle velocity from Pn tomography in the Gulf of Aden, Geosphere, vol 10, doi:10.1130/GES01052.1.
Stork, AL, Verdon, JP & Kendall, J-M, 2014. The robustness of seismic moment and magnitudes estimated using spectral analysis. Geophysical Prospecting, vol 62, pp. 862-878, doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12134.
Verdon, JP, Kendall, J, Stork, AL, Chadwick, RA, White, DJ & Bissell, RC, 2013. Comparison of geomechanical deformation induced by megatonne-scale CO2 storage at Sleipner, Weyburn, and In Salah. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 110, pp. E2762-E2771, doi:10.1073/pnas.1302156110.
Stork, AL, Stuart, GW, Henderson, CM, Keir, D & Hammond, JOS, 2013. Uppermost mantle (Pn) velocity model for the Afar region, Ethiopia: an insight into rifting processes. Geophys J Int, vol 193, pp. 321-328, doi:10.1093/gji/ggs106.
Stork, AL, Selby, ND, Heyburn, R & Searle, MP, 2008. Accurate relative earthquake hypocenters reveal structure of the Burma subduction zone, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98, 6, p. 2815-2827, doi:10.1785/0120080088.
Wright, TJ, Ebinger, C, Biggs, J, Ayele, A, Yirgu, G, Keir, D & Stork, A, 2006. Magma-maintained rift segmentation at continental rupture in the 2005 Afar dyking episode, Nature, 442, 7100, p. 291-294, doi:10.1038/nature04978.
Stork, AL & Ito, H, 2004. Source parameter scaling for small earthquakes observed at the western Nagano 800-m-deep borehole, Central Japan, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 94, 5, p. 1781-1794, doi:10.1785/012002214.
Prejean, S, Stork, AL, Ellsworth, W, Hill, D & Julian, B, 2003. High precision earthquake locations reveal seismogenic structure beneath Mammoth Mountain, California, Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, p. 2247, doi:10.1029/2003GL018334.
Other Publications
- Stork, AL, 2007. Optimisation and application of earthquake location methods. DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, UK.
Extended Abstracts
Verdon, JP, Stork, AL and Kendall, JM 2016. Geomechanical Modelling, Microseismic Monitoring and CO2 Storage. EAGE/SPE Workshop on Integrated Geomechanics in Exploration and Production, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201602362
Birnie, C, Angus, D, Chambers, K & Stork, AL 2016. Effect of noise on microseismic event detection and imaging procedures using ICOVA statistical noise modeling method. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016: pp. 2622-2626, doi:10.1190/segam2016-13858910.1.
Birnie C, Stork A, Roach L, Angus D, & Rost, S, 2015. Spatial and Temporal Properties of Noise from the Aquistore CCS Pilot Permanent Surface Array. 3rd EAGE Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference, Celle.
Verdon JP, Stork AL, Bissell RC, Bond CE & Werner MJ, 2015. Geomechanical Simulation of Microseismic Events Induced by CO2 Injection at In Salah, Algeria. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, Spain. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201413265
Verdon JP, Werner MJ, Stork AL & Kendall J-M, 2015. Real Time Forecasting of Maximum Expected Induced Seismicity. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshops, Madrid, Spain. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201413527
Verdon, JP, Stork, AL, Bissell, RC, Bond, CE & Werner, MJ, 2014. Using geomechanical models to simulate induced seismicity: Applications to CO2 storage at In Salah, Algeria: SEG Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts 33, 4559-4563. doi:10.1190/segam2014-0078.1
Baird AF, Verdon JP, Kendall J-M, Foord G, Stork A & Usher PJ, 2014. Field Estimates of Fracture Compliances using Active and Passive Seismics. 5th EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20142176
Stork AL, Verdon JP & Kendall, JM, 2013. Study of recorded seismicity at the in Salah (Algeria) carbon capture and storage project, 2nd EAGE Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition, Pau, France. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20131605
Verdon JP, Kendall JM, Stork AL, Chadwick, RA, White, DJ & Bissell, RC, 2013. A comparison of geomechanical effects at three ‘megatonne’ CO2 storage sites - Sleipner, Weyburn and In Salah, 2nd EAGE Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition, Pau, France. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20131607
Stork, AL, Verdon JP & Kendall. J-M, 2013. Microseismic event analysis for the In Salah (Algeria) carbon capture and storage project, 75th EAGE Annual Meeting, London, UK, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20130823
Verdon JP, Kendall J-M, Stork AL, Chadwick RA, White DJ & Bissell RC, 2013. A comparison of geomechanical effects at three ‘megatonne’ CO2 storage sites - Sleipner, Weyburn and In Salah, 75th EAGE Annual Meeting, London, UK, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20130206
Stork AL, Verdon JP & Kendall JM, 2013. The importance of accurate and consistent microseismic event magnitudes, 4th EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20142361
Invited Talks/Seminars
Stork AL 2016. Passive seismic monitoring and modelling methods applied to CO2 storage sites, Institute for Geophysical Research, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Stork AL, Verdon JP, Kendall J-M & White DJ 2015. Passive Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage Sites, UKCCSRC Geophysical modelling for CO2 storage, monitoring and appraisal meeting, Leeds, UK.
Stork AL, Kendall J-M, White DJ and Verdon, JP, 2015. Microseismic monitoring at the Aquistore CCS site. UKCCSRC Biannual Meeting, Cranfield, UK.
Stork, AL 2015. Using microseismic monitoring to optimise operational efficiency and assess risk. Shale World UK, Birmingham.
Stork, AL, Verdon, JP and Kendall J-M, 2014. Understanding the microseismic response to CO2 injection at CCS sites - examples from In Salah, IEAGHG Monitoring & Modelling Networks Meeting, Morgantown, WV, USA.
Stork, AL, Stuart, GW, Henderson, CM, Keir, D, Hammond, JOS & Kendall, J-M, 2012. Insights into rifting processes in Afar, Ethiopia, using Pn tomography, NORSAR, Norway.
Stork, AL, Julian, B & Foulger, GR, 2001. Application of the Waldhauser-Ellsworth relocation algorithm to earthquake sequences in central-eastern California, DPRI, University of Kyoto, Japan.