
MS_VROT3 - Rotate a (set of) 3-vector(s) by 3 angles.
Rotates 3-vector(s).
[VR] = MS_Vrot3(V,alp,bet,gam)
    alp = clockwise about 1-axis (looking at origin, == yaw)
    bet = clockwise about 2-axis (looking at origin, == -dip)
    gam = clockwise about 3-axis (looking at origin, == azimuth)
[VR] = MS_Vrot3(...,'order',V)
    order: V is a 3 element vector containing the order in which to apply the 3 rotations.
           Default is [1 2 3].
   The rotations are applied in order, ie: alpha, then beta then gamma
One dimension of the input V matrix should be 3. The code tries to infer the
orientation of the matix by testing which this is. If the matrix is 3x3,
it is assumed that it contains row vectors (i.e.,
[x1,y1,z1; x2,y2,y2; x3 y3 y3])
See also: MS_ROT3