MS_VTI2 - generate elastic constants for a vertically transverse isotropic
            medium from xi, phi, eta parameters. Symmetry is in the 3-axis.
    rh  : Density (kg/m2)
    vp  : km/s (isotropic average)
    vs  : km/s (isotropic average)
    xi, phi, eta : Dimensionless anisotropy parameters
     C : Stiffness tensor (6x6 notation, GPa)
Calculates the elastic tensor for a hexagonal (aka VTI) medium from
average Vp and Vs, and anisotropic parameters xi, phi and eta.
See, for example, Panning and Romanowicz (2006) for a definition of the
  • Note: this is wrapper for MS_TI, provided for back-compatibility. **

      Mark Panning and Barbara Romanowicz (2006) A three-dimensional radially
         anisotropic model of shear velocity in the whole mantle. Geophysical
         Journal International v167, 361–379.
         doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03100.x
    See also: MS_TI, MS_VTI, MS_iso, MS_elasticDB